Larry Ward and Pamela Ayo Yetunde
America's Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal

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What You'll Learn
Join summit host Ayo Yetunde for this profound interview with Dr. Larry Ward, a senior dharma teacher in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and cofounder of the Lotus Institute. Centering on Ward’s recently published book, America’s Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal, this discussion touches on how both perpetrators and victims hold trauma in their bodies, as well as the possibility of becoming free from reactivity to one’s racial conditioning. After a powerful reading of a poem from his book, Ward and Ayo Yetunde go on to talk about lessons he has drawn from his decades of international travel and teaching, the strength that can be accessed from skillful connection to one’s ancestry, and the transformation that is possible and necessary for America to move toward a more positive vision of its future.
About Larry Ward
You can learn more about Dr. Ward's work through his non-profit The Lotus Institute and connect with him on Facebook and Instagram.
About Pamela Ayo Yetunde
Ayo's articles on Buddhism can be found on Lion's Roar and Ayo's books can be found here.
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Good Day
Awesome! Inspiring, enlightening, empowering, soul-satisfying, and finger-licking good. Namaste Larry!
Extremely insightful.
Thank you for posting.
The whole country needs to see this interview.
This was one of the most inspiring buddhist interviews I have ever heard. Thx for making my day & giving me important insights into something you wld think completely unrelated – a serious illness I’ve been dealing with for a long time. There was so much profound wisdom here, my head (& heart) are spinning. Deep gratitude.
A fantastic interview, thank you Pamela Ayo Yuntende for being so well prepared and asking deep, penetrating questions.
Larry, my love and respect continues to grow. Thank you for your love, courage, creativity and commitment to this vital work on the Bodhisattva path.
Wonderful. Thank you, bodhisattvas.
We all have the capacity to learn and unlearn. I’ve read Mr Ward’s book, and found this interview inspiring. Thank you.
What a wonderfully POWERFUL interview! I regret not attending “The Gathering” A retreat for Black Buddhist practitioners in 2019 at Spirit Rock. It may not happen ever again, but if it does I hope to attend and have the opportunity to meet Larry Ward and Pamela Ayo. Offering Deep Bows of gratitude.
Very engaging interview. Thank you Larry and Pamela.
Outstanding! Flood the government with that book!!
Thank you so much 🙏🏽
Thank you, bodhisattvas for your generosity of spirit and knowledge. I will learn. I will wake up. No excuses. Deep bows
Thank you! I am so grateful to you for this powerful event. Its just what I needed especially at this time. I am encouraged by the deeply spiritual and profoundly intellectual content.
Inspiring, uplifting , thank you
Everything I’ve seen/heard from Larry evokes a deep awareness of our unique, yet also collective responsibility to “take the risk, and practice with the result”. His words are embodied in this exchange through his lived experience and practiced convictions.
I relish his knowledge of neuroscience, life experience and global perspective, and resonate with and am galvanized by his call to be ‘grounded in our body in the reality of life in this moment’ as the way through to a needed, newly imagined ‘perceptual revolution.’ I also so appreciate Ayo’s prompts leading to this thought-provoking discussion.
very powerful discussion. i am expanded. i really appreciate the notion that the perpetrator of trauma is also traumatized by their act. it came together in a direct way tonight. i feel so fortunate to have been introduced to Larry Ward tonight. namaste’
Thank you!!!
Thank you, Ayo and Larry, for this greatly educative discussion.
Thank you, Ayo and Larry, for this greatly educative discussion.
Poignant, powerful, significant! Thank you.
I burst out laughing in this very serious discussion on two key points:
1. We have Bodhisattva job security for life. We most CERTAINLY do!
2. World Travel – you don’t know how much racist thought is in YOU until you go elsewhere.
I have no words.. after listening to this..ache
Thank you Bodhisattva’s, such a rich conversation. I look forward to reading Larry’s book (I’m not in the U.S. Congress though).
Cannot forget meeting/hearing Dr. Larry and Dear Peggy (in Boise). What a blessing to have rediscovered teachers i’ve crossed paths with decades ago, during the double edged sword of lockdown. Deep bow of gratefulness to summit organizers and Peggy and Larry, as we knew them/you. from the white illinois prairie
So empowering. Thank you for raising my level of consciousness. I will finish my doctorate. Seasoned age is no excuse. Thank you.
Mr. Ward’s wisdom & insight are AWESOME!!! I haven’t read the book but will certainly get myself a copy. He articulated so much of what I have been holding in my inner world, especially his comment:
“My inner world is greater than white supremacy.” I disturbed the whole apartment building when I SHOUTED! His words also give me the courage to take a BIGGER STEP than I was planning to.
Mr. Ward’s comments are AWESOME!!! He articulated so much of what I have been holding in my heart/mind. When he said “MY inner world is greater than white supremacy”, I couldn’t hold back the shout. I hope to meet him one day soon because I am one of those “very seasoned persons”. His words have given me courage to take a BIGGER STEP than what I was planning to . A Deep Bow to Mr. Ward and to Ayo, brother and sister bodhisattvas.
I especially appreciate the question and response about advice for seasoned listeners. Thank you both for sharing the wisdom and creating this space for us to BE.
Thank you Ayo and Larry for your brilliant words, insights and heart. And for your inspiration to Strive to be free of white supremacy inside and out. May all beings be freed to be who they are in kindness and compassion and respect to each other. Peace Be The Journey.
This was deeply inspiring. I learned many things in myself and really appreciate the insights from Larry. I love Thich Nhat Hanh and I am glad his lineage is flowing through Beings like you both. Ayo, I love your depth and your deep questions! Hugs and Blessings to you both!
Thank you for being so helpful and insightful. This has been such a blessing.
I LOVE Larry Ward!!!! And the thoughts are always uplifting. The consequence of listening is knowing in a different way. Thank you. Q
Much can we learn about our situation in India, especially the practice of casteism and ethnic discriminations, the majoritarian politics of the present dispensation. Very little research has gone into these areas to empower the discriminated and downtrodden. Thank you very much.
Thank you both for this deep, insightful and actually hopeful discussion. I am from the Caribbean and live in London – what one could describe as the birthplace of white colonialism and a particular kind or white supremacy. I’m sure your book has a lot to offer us here as we continue our inner and outer struggles. I will continue to reflect for a while yet. 🙏🏽 namaste to you both
Excellent interview, looking forward to reading Dr. Ward’s book. Thanks so much for offering this.
Omg, I wanna meet you both so badly! I was so sad not to be able to attend The Gathering in 2019. I love you both so much. Thank you for this medicine and for being an inspiration on what it looks like to take the risks and pursue your passions no matter the age. May you both be well and safe and happy and free.
Superb and enlightening conversation. Thank you! Will be searching out the book. So helpful!
This conversation was so valuable to me. Thank you both!
Thank you both with a deep bow for sharing your experience, learnings and teachings with us all so generously. We need more of these teachings shared wide and far,
Poignant, powerful, inspiring, and so much to look towards for guidance in healing our world and pursing our passions. Thank you Larry! The virus is a guru … wow, are we listening?
Required a 2nd viewing to be able to digest more subtle moments!
Brilliant and uplifting! Thank you!!
You speak my mind, as Quakers say. For the violence of individual and institutional racism to end, white brothers/sisters will have to do the inescapable hard work. I continue to reflect on the reflexive reactions that hold me/Black people hostage–still. Working on it. Working on it. Working on keeping my flower/fresh, mountain/solid, water/clear and space/free. It’s a lot but if i want to effectively make change and if I want to be healthy, it’s a noble struggle. Thank you for “My inner life is greater..”
Thank you. Incredibly expansive perspective and approach to healing our world and creating new pathways to liberated living. I hope to one day sit in one of your dharma talks in person.
“How do we create a justice system we have yet to imagine?” ETC.
Amen. We’re goin’ for it!
A new window has opened for me. Gratefully, it’s already connected to the spiritual practice I’ve been journeying on. What a blessing to see and feel the connection & correspondence. I can continue the spiritual journey with expanded awareness. Thank you. Namaste
I’ve watched this a second time and just want to say to both Larry and Ayo to please not wrap it up. Please keep pursuing your passions and taking up space as seasoned people, to use Ayo’s words. It gives us living ancestors who are following down the path a vision and inspiration on how to keep walking. Please keep taking up space, risks and imagining. We need you!
OMG, I am so grateful for this precious interview between you two!
As Thich Nhat Hahn says, “let me call you by your names…”
We are so much more because of TNH’s teachings. Larry Ward
is one of the Fruits of the Order of Interbeing. Thank you Pamela,
Thank you Larry, and thank you Thay for the huge movement leading
us to a Nationhood of true Justice. Amen
This summit is so very healing for me ! Thank You 🙏🙏🙏
This was an extraordinarily deep and, at the same time, practical conversation. I’m especially grateful for his insights about the enduring traumas of perpetrators of violence and hatred. Ayo’s questions in this and all the other sessions are sharply attuned to the presenters. Bows to Dr. Ward and Dr. Ayo!
Thank you, Dr. Ward for your insights, and to hear your way of the Bodhisattva; thank you Pamela for the questions to provide a space for Dr. Ward’s clarity. I will purchase both of your books! My group of Yoga teachers studying Wilkerson’s, book Caste are trying to think of ways to help heal. We have Yoga in common, and we also represent other traditions of the world -with recognition of our earth’s spiritual variety – perhaps we can find and make choices of wisdom and compassion – keeping sentient beings on the path to Enlightenment!