Watch the Live Closing Session with Vimalasara Mason-John and Host Pamela Ayo Yetunde
The Live Call with Vimalasara Mason-John and Pamela Ayo Yetunde will be hosted on Zoom on Thursday, February 25th at 2pm EST | See Your Timezone. The call recording will be posted here within 24 hours after the initial airing.
If you are unable to join on Zoom, you can also access the Youtube Livestream below!
Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John and Host Pamela Ayo Yetunde
Closing Session With Q&A
About This Session
Join summit host Ayo Yetunde (coeditor of the book Black and Buddhist) along with award-winning mindfulness teacher Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John (author of Detox Your Heart and other books) for a celebratory closing session to the Black and Buddhist online summit.
About Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John
Award winning author Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John is the co-founder of eight step recovery, as mentioned in the New York Times, and of Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery 8 week program. Their most recent book I am Still Your Negro - An Homage to James Baldwin was voted one of the best Canadian poetry books published in 2020. Their latest book an anthology of 33 writers, Afrikan Wisdom: New Voices talk Black Liberation, Buddhism, and Beyond will be published July 2021.
You can learn more about their work and find all of their publications on their website.
Pamela Ayo Yetunde, JD, ThD
Pamela Ayo Yetunde, JD, ThD is the co-editor of Black and Buddhist. She is a chaplain and pastoral counselor, co-founder of Center of the Heart, a spiritual wellness organization that focuses on body, behavior, and beliefs. She is also founder of Audre: Spiritual Care for Women with Cancer. Ayo has written for Lion's Roar magazine and has published other books on Buddhism.
Ayo's articles on Buddhism can be found on Lion's Roar and Ayo's books can be found here.
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Closing Session With Q&A

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About This Session
Join summit host Ayo Yetunde (coeditor of the book Black and Buddhist) along with award-winning mindfulness teacher Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason John (author of Detox Your Heart and other books) for a celebratory closing session to the Black and Buddhist online summit.
About Vimalasara Mason-John
Award winning author Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John is the co-founder of eight step recovery, as mentioned in the New York Times, and of Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery 8 week program. Their most recent book I am Still Your Negro - An Homage to James Baldwin was voted one of the best Canadian poetry books published in 2020. Their latest book an anthology of 33 writers, Afrikan Wisdom: New Voices talk Black Liberation, Buddhism, and Beyond will be published July 2021.
You can learn more about their work and find all of their publications on their website.
Pamela Ayo Yetunde, JD, ThD
Pamela Ayo Yetunde, JD, ThD is the co-editor of Black and Buddhist. She is a chaplain and pastoral counselor, co-founder of Center of the Heart, a spiritual wellness organization that focuses on body, behavior, and beliefs. She is also founder of Audre: Spiritual Care for Women with Cancer. Ayo has written for Lion's Roar magazine and has published other books on Buddhism.
Ayo's articles on Buddhism can be found on Lion's Roar and Ayo's books can be found here.
Is it available on YouTube?
See bellow. Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you Vimalasara for bringing in the importance of the expressive arts in helping us to embody ourselves. Sweet Honey in the Rock, Sounds of Blackness and Nina Simone with her deep resonant tones.
This Whole summit has been phenomenal. I am wanting to develop a meditation practice and investigate Budhism more and this has helped in identifying Books, practices, work, and a better understanding of myself and others.
Blessings and Love.
This was an amazing event! Thank you for powerfully addresssing topics so critical to our spritual and racial issues.
It is great to see and know that there are many other black Buddhists.
I never knew… Thank you to all that shared their gifts and knowledge, my vibration has been raised as well as my library expanding to research and do the work to go deeper for myself and the communities I serve.
In Vibrational Peace
This was so amazing and I am so thankful I got a chance to view this. I’ve already purchased 2 books and awaiting the release of a couple of those who have been on the panels. Many blessings to the speakers, authors, and the Sangha
My heart, soul, and the breath that I did not know I was holding has been freed by this week of loving, compassionate, and insightful teachings. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU🙏🏽
Sincere Thanks for the heartwarming session. Ayo a great anchor!
Thank you so much for this powerful ending session and for the amazing summit. I just ordered the book! ❤️🌺
I really appreciated all of the summit that I was able to watch. I so appreciated Pamela Ayo Yetunde’s amazing interviewing skill. She was able to dig deep with the speakers and share herself in the process with such wisdom and love. To all who made this possible, thank you!
This summit has been a blessing for me. I am left virtually speechless, so will say only, Thank You to all who made this possible.
Thank you all so much for this amazing summit. Every session was inspiring and filled with heartfelt truths. Such a generous offering. I felt privileged to witness it all.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful summit, with so much inspiring and clarity, very wel organisd. I bow deeply for your wisdom and effert. Simin, from the Netherlands
Thank you, Ayo and Vimalasara, for that deeply educating discussion.